Mem Protocol


🚀 Our Vision We’re building your Interface to the World. Today, you have many representations of yourself online with each of those identities tied to specific apps. This limits how you can express yourself and the actions you can take. We’re building tools so you can represent yourself however... Read more







Org chart

Abhi Vyas
Co-Founder & CEO
Don Walpola
Co-Founder & CTO

Behind the scenes


We’re owners who don’t ask for permission to ship, test, and learn from feedback.

We all wear many hats, and see this as an opportunity to learn and help our teammates.

The phrase “not my job” doesn’t help anyone; nobody’s perfect but we try very hard to check our egos at the door.

We love what we do.

Getting paid to do what we love is a freedom that we don’t take for granted. We have great work-life balance, but we don’t consider what we do a job.

Learning is required.

But you’ll never hear us say it. Everyone on our team loves to learn. We’re voraciously curious and never believe we know more than anyone else.

We’re kind people.

We value emotional intelligence, and believe it is a critical but often overlooked part of product development. As a technology company, we recognize that building revolutionary solutions requires not only STEM skills, but also a deep empathy for the people whose problems we’re solving.