
Meet the team

Fun facts


You may have seen me in a videoclip/festival/bar in your local town playing funk/rock tunes in my past semi-pro music life. If anyone asks, I deny ever wearing gold painted high heel boots on stage


I'm a black belt in Judo, Harry Potter trivia, and crystal-clear icecube making. I'm also an avid mixologist, assumed wine and ice snob. ❤️ Cocktail: Old Fashioned 🥃 Food: 🍣 Country: 🇯🇵


I've been changing cities every 6-12 months for the past 7 years.


I still actively play SNES and NES games whenever I can find time. Especially classic RPGs.

How do you like to receive feedback?


Clear, Transparent, solution-oriented and with good intentions.

What is your favourite quote?


Strong opinions loosely held.


"Power over others is weakness disguised as strength." - Eckhart Tolle

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